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Love +

Country: India, United States, Language: English, 17 mins

Original Title

Love Positive
  • Director: Tushar Tyagi
  • Writer: Ravi Asrani
  • Producer: Monali Bhardwaj, Impulse Mumbai

CGiii Comment

Most gay-themed Indian short films are weirdly immature, this is no exception.

Grown men acting and talking like teens! It's just weird. Time to grow up!


The(ir) Blurb...

"Why worry about the pill when you can fall for the dil (heart)"

In a world where gay men face rejection and judgment, the love story of a live-in gay couple from Mumbai, India comes as a ray of hope. Ajay and Utkarsh, a sero-discordant (One HIV positive and the other one negative) live in a couple who happily live in together. While Ajay is open about his relationship and HIV status as an HIV-positive man, Utkarsh is still not open about his relationship with Ajay. One fine day, during a Live conversation when Ajay was sharing his story of an HIV-positive person, Utkarsh confesses his love for Ajay. In this beautiful journey, the movie ends with a tagline - Why worry about the pill when you can fall for the Dil (heart).

Cast & Characters

Ankur Thakur (as Ajay)
Shray Rai Tiwari (as Utkarsh)
Paras Tomar (as Paras)