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  • Fugue
  • Frikis (Los)
  • Blue for a Boy
  • Best Friend (The)
  • Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion
  • Diosa
  • Children of God
  • Blindgänger
  • Bel Ami
  • Come Closer
  • 1-800-ON-HER-OWN
  • Helen and the Bear
  • Darcy & Jer: No Refunds
  • Pride from Above
  • Inside Out 2
  • Out
  • Padres
  • Unspoken
  • Holiday Exchange (The)
  • Drive Back Home
  • Después
  • Bulletproof: A Lesbian's Guide to Surviving the Plot
  • Memorabilia
  • Flamingo (The)
  • CameraChild
  • Mafia's Obsession (The)
  • Yo, adicto
  • Children of the Church Steps
  • Inky Pinky Ponky
  • Queens on the Run
  • Not So Straight Christmas (A)
  • Black Doves
  • Trust in Love
  • A Dios pongo por testigo
  • Negative Worlds
  • Der Soldat Monika
  • Movie Given Hiiragi Mix.
  • Hombre Libre (Un)
  • LIZA: A Truly Terrific Absolutely True Story
  • Ladybug


Country: Brazil, Language: Portuguese, 83 mins

  • Director: Mauro Carvalho; Thiago Cazado
  • Writer: Thiago Cazado
  • Producer: Alessandro Costa

CGiii Comment

Young Lucas "Paulo Sousa" lives with the religious aunt Lourdes "Juliana Zancanaro" in a quiet country town. He helps his aunt promote cults with the region's beats in the living room by playing the biblical songs on his keyboard. But this little agitated life is with the days counted when the charitable aunt announces the arrival of another nephew Mario "Thiago Cazado", just out of jail. The clash of reality between the cousins would only be summoned up in embarrassing situations, were it not for the unexpected attraction that ends up happening among the boys.

O jovem Lucas (Paulo Sousa) vive com a religiosa tia Lourdes (Juliana Zancanaro) em uma pacata cidade do interior. Ele ajuda a tia a promover os cultos com as beatas da região na sala de casa tocando os cânticos bíblicos em seu teclado. Porém esta vida pouco agitada está com os dias contados quando a caridosa tia anuncia a chegada de mais um sobrinho; Mário (Thiago Cazado), recém saído da cadeia. O choque de realidade entre os primos resumiria-se apenas em situações embaraçosas, não fosse a inesperada atração que acaba acontecendo entre os rapazes.


Cast & Characters

Thiago Cazado as Mario Hantz
Paulo Sousa as Lucas Hantz
Denis Camargo as Emilio
Duda Esteves as Julia
Carmem Lutcha as Sonia
Elenita Pessoa
Ana Rosita
Dilza Scarpa
Juliana Zancanaro as Aunt Lourdes