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8 Minutes 20 Seconds

Country: United States, Language: English, 9 mins

  • Director: Harris Doran
  • Writer: Harris Doran
  • Producer: Trent Anderson, Harris Doran, Adam Maffei, Carl Moellenberg, Jamin O'Brien

CGiii Comment


The fastest 8 minutes you'll ever experience. The pace, the tension, the predictability of it all...simply stunning!

No trailer...

The(ir) Blurb...

Max must race against time to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend for them to be together in Earth's last moments of sun.

Cast & Characters

Julia Chan (as Marsha)
Allyce Beasley (as Joan)
Nadia Quinn (as Victoria Williams)
Steve Cirbus (as Kris)
Brandon Uranowitz (as Max)
Ato Blankson-Wood (as Jasper)
Paulina de la Parra (as Running Woman)
Alexx Pierce (as Fallen Girl)