She Gone Rogue
- Director: Rhys Ernst
- Writer: Zackary Drucker; Rhys Ernst
- Producer: Zackary Drucker; Rhys Ernst
CGiii Comment
The(ir) Blurb...
Engaging a world of dream-like magical realism, SHE GONE ROGUE references Maya Deren's Meshes of the Afternoon, utilizing a space where singular selves multiply and expand, offering windows into parallel dimensions, with time and space collapsing into a whirlpool of divergent possibilities. When Drucker finally finds the white rabbit, the process of identity construction completes a full circle, offering more questions than answers.
Cast & Characters
Zackary Drucker as Darling;
Holly Woodlawn as Aunt Holly;
Vaginal Davis as Whoracle of Delphi;
Jack Doroshow as Flawless Sabrina