- Director: Duke Johnson; Charlie Kaufman
- Writer: Charlie Kaufman
- Producer: Keith Calder; Pandora Edmiston
CGiii Comment
The word 'masterpiece' has been bandied about...more like misery-piece!
The animation, the detail...the production is [almost] flawless.
But...GAWD...it goes on and on...in a downward spiral...into the pit of loneliness.
For the most part...it's mundane/monotonous...there is a brief flurry into the existential, the surreal, the absurd...where gender is fluid, neutral...and it gets you thinking - which is a good thing...then it goes all mundane/monotonous again.
It could all have been done in half the time...making it a far more effective short than a rather limp feature.
Charlie Kaufmann does depression well...however, boring the audience is not the way to go. Even the rather explicit, animated sex scene was...boring...and, to be truthful, an indulgence the film could have done without.
90 minutes of misery.
The(ir) Blurb...
Michael Stone, an author that specializes in customer service, is a man who is unable to interact deeply with other people. His low sensitivity to excitement, and his lack of interest made him a man with a repetitive life on his own perspective. But, when he went on a business trip, he met a stranger - an extraordinary stranger, which slowly became a cure for his negative view on life that possibly will change his mundane life.
Cast & Characters
David Thewlis as Michael Stone;
Jennifer Jason Leigh as Lisa Hesselman;
Tom Noonan as Everyone else