Five Days in New York
Original Title
Fünf Tage in New York - Gay Pride am Hudson- Director: Oliver Bätz; André Schäfer
- Producer: Olaf Grunert; Anna Steuber
CGiii Comment
On June 28th 1969 the New York Police Department conducted a raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar on Christopher Street in Greenwich Village. To the surprise of the policemen, the partying bar patrons decided to defend themselves and fought back.
Today, this incident is celebrated in a series of colourful and flamboyant parties in cities all over the world. Everywhere, people are remembering the pioneers of the gay and lesbian movement 45 years ago. Five Days in New York takes the viewers back to the origins of the gay pride movement in New York City.
During the 1960s ID controls at known gay and lesbian bars were conducted all the time, and names were often released to shame the patrons. But the 28th of June 1969 changed the social awareness of the public. From that day on, gays were no longer victims and started to fight back. The Stonewall riots lasted for five days and nights. Five days in New York, that changed the life of gays and lesbians across the world.
In Five Days in New York Stonewall veterans, comrades from the earliest days, as well as activists and allies of the LGBT community talk about their personal experiences. They describe the social climate of the late 1960s, both in New York and the rest of the US, and they proudly talk about how far the equal rights movement of the LGBT community has come today. At the same time, Five Days in New York takes a closer look at what goes on behind the scenes of the New York Pride March, which commemorates the Stonewall riots and is one of the cities greatest parties as well as one of the largest political events in New York City.
No trailer...but, available on Amazon...
Cast & Characters
Serge Biavan;
Martin Boyce as Himself - Veteran Stonewall Riots;
Antonia de Rendinger;
Cookie Dingler;
Elizabeth Flynn as Herself - Heritage of Pride;
Danny Garvin as Himself - Veteran Stonewall Riots;
Stefan Godin;
Tony Joudrier;
Joseph F. Lovett as Himself - Regisseur;
Isabelle Lux;
Bernard Metreaux;
Robert Pinter as Himself - Gay Activist;
Bruce Poli as Himself - Journalist und Autor;
Suzanne Poli as Herself - Fotografin;
Murielle Rivemale