It's Just in My Head
- Director: Marius Gabriel Stancu
- Writer: Marius Gabriel Stancu
CGiii Comment
It ends with - quite possibly - the worst Eurovision-y song ever to assault your ears.
What goes on before is cheesy, masturbatory tedium. Well-filmed though!
The(ir) Blurb...
Andreas and Alessandro are two friends who have known each other since their childhood. They have opposite characters: taciturn and diffident Andreas, expansive and optimistic Alessandro; lonely and without sexual experiences the first, full of friends and already engaged with a girl for a long time the second. Summer is now coming to an end; both Andreas and Alessandro must return to the city to resume their University life. Before leaving, Andreas decides to give Alessandro a gift hoping that Alessandro will finally be able to notice the love that Andreas always has tried for him.
Cast & Characters
Carmine Fabbricatore as Alessandro
Claudio Segaluscio as Andreas