No One Falls in Love in a Porn Cinema
Original Title
Nadie se enamora en un cine porno- Director: Varinia Perusín Failla
CGiii Comment
What a charming man, shame we don't get to see his face. But, with this amount of honesty, it was a wise decision.
Innocence, loneliness and maturity...what a complex throuple!
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The(ir) Blurb...
H is an adult who has spent the majority of his life going to pornographic theaters in Mar del Plata. Following a life-altering event, he reevaluates his social interactions.
H es un hombre adulto que frecuentó gran parte de su vida los cines porno de Mar de Plata. Luego de una experiencia transformadora reconsidera su forma de vincularse en la sociedad.