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Country: Denmark, Language: Danish, 22 mins

Original Title

Lækre Til Vi Dør
  • Director: Marie Grahtø Sørensen
  • Writer: Marie Grahtø Sørensen; Eini Carina Grønvold
  • Producer: Nina Helveg

CGiii Comment

When a filmmaker's only aim is to shock...then, it had better be shockingly good.

Not so here. This is mere menstrual masturbation.

Lurid, lesbian teens - vampires with a fondness for Pussy Riot - cavort around a gymnasium.

The only star of this show is the steadicam.


YOLO (LÆKRE TIL VI DØR) 2013 from Marie Grahtø on Vimeo.

The(ir) Blurb...

YOLO is a dark universe of adolescence, sex and friendship. Coming-of-age drama with a brightly colored vision echoing pop, punk and music video aesthetics. Kimmi, Sally and Nancy, best friends forever, are spending the night hiding out and drinking at their high school. Kimmi is a vampire and in love with Nancy, but what is 'real sex' and what are the boundaries of desire? Snow starts falling in the gym hall, blood flows freely on the thighs of teenage girls, and it's going to be one hell of a neon colored night, but hey: You Only Live Once. YOLO!

Cast & Characters

Julie Andersen as Kimmi;
Stephania Potalivo as Sally;
Frederikke Dahl Hansen as Nancy