After Silence
- Director: Vincent Gagliostro
- Producer: Lauren Belfer; Bryce Renninger
CGiii Comment
Sometimes, activists do good...usually, in days gone by...when there was a genuine cause for concern.
Now...the older activists have become contrived. The younger ones are more adept - on the sofa - with their laptops than their mouths!
Finkelstein created an iconic and effective work of art...for that, we thank him. As for his newer work...well, lightning rarely strikes - in the same place - twice!
after silence_VG_4_30vm from vincent william gagliostro on Vimeo.
The(ir) Blurb...
Avram Finkelstein was part of the activist collective that created the iconic SILENCE = DEATH poster. Today, he leads activist groups in creating a public messaging campaign in what he calls flash collectives.
Cast & Characters
Avram Finklestein