Hidden Kisses
- Director: Didier Bivel
- Writer: Jérôme Larcher
- Producer: Elizabeth Arnac
CGiii Comment
An admirable, often heart-breaking, totally blood-boiling, television movie.
It's not a perfect film...but, it is a damn good stab at the contemporary issues faced by young gay men in a society that is credited - by many - as a society increasingly more-tolerant than-ever-before of homosexuality...that may be the case...still, obviously, much work to do!
There are weaknesses within the story...Louis' father - as a medical doctor wielding the sledge-hammer approach to subtlety - is totally unbelievable...perhaps, a change of profession would have help...to a vile alpha-male banker! The women...a little too subservient, too is-it-me-am-I-too-ugly...
The education issue could have been explored more...when 'tolerance' is not even an issue...we should not be tolerated, we should not be accepted...we should just be! No question...and, that starts with education!
But...tears will well-up, memories will come alive and pain will be felt...not bad for a television movie!
The(ir) Blurb...
Nathan, 16, lives alone with his father Stephane. A newcomer in high school, he is invited to a party and falls in love with Louis, a boy in his class. They find themselves out of sight and kiss each other, but someone takes a picture of them. Soon, the photo is published on Facebook and a storm overtakes their lives as they face bullying and rejection.
Des partenaires de même sexe qui s'embrassent dans la rue : la scène pourrait être anodine, or elle demeure encore souvent taboue. L'homosexualité dérange. Elle est encore souvent stigmatisée et la question est particulièrement sensible à l'adolescence. Alors comment expliquer qu'au 21e siècle, alors que le droit et que les mentalités ont évolué, les homosexuels soient encore si nombreux à se cacher?
Cast & Characters
Berenger Anceaux as Nathan;
Jules Houplain as Louis;
Clara Choi as Aude;
Jules Houplain as Jules;
Catherine Jacob as Catherine;
Bruno Putzulu as Bruno;
Luka Quinn as Jules 8 ans;
Barbara Schulz as Corinne;
Patrick Timsit as Stephane