Hidden Master: The Legacy of George Platt Lynes
- Director: Sam Shahid
- Writer: Matthew Kraus, John MacConnell, Sam Shahid
- Producer: Nando de Carvalho, O'Brien Kelley, Matthew Kraus, John MacConnell, Raja Sethuraman, Sam Shahid
CGiii Comment
"An artist has the right to be judged by his best work"
George Platt Lynes began his career photographing celebrities, and it's those portraits along with his extravagant fashion work that he's best remembered for today. However, George's heart, his passion, and his greatest talent lay elsewhere, in his work with the male nude. This work, sensuous and radically explicit for its time, has only recently begun being fully discovered and appreciated for the revolution that it represents - a man capturing his fantasies as a gift, a window to a future his camera saw coming before anyone else.
From visionary art director Sam Shahid, HIDDEN MASTER features a stunning collection of photography from the 1930s-50s, uncovering the life of Lynes less known: his gifted eye for the male form, his long term friendships with Gertrude Stein and Alfred Kinsey, and his lasting influence as one of the first openly gay American artists.
Cast & Characters
Vince Aletti (as Self)
Don Bachardy (as Self)
Vincent Cianni (as Self)
John Connely (as Self)
James Crump (as Self)
Jarrett Earnest (as Self)
Allen Ellenzweig (as Self)
Rebecca Fasman (as Self)
Philip Gefter (as Self)
Steven Haas (as Self)
Peter H Halpert (as Self)
Robin Lawrence (as Self)
Matt Leifheit (as Self)
Charles Leslie (as Self)
Dimitri Levas (as Self)
George Platt Lynes II (as Self)
Nick Mauss (as Self)
Duane Michals (as Self)
Sarah Morthland (as Self)
Billy O'Connor (as Self)
John Olsen (as Self)
Mary Panzer (as Self)
Bernard Perlin (as Self)
Jerry Rosco (as Self)
Michael Schreiber (as Self)