Fireworks Logo

Latest Shorts...

  • Pooh Bear
  • Mirror Party
  • 8 Minutes 20 Seconds
  • Dead Cat Film
  • Super Sophie vs Dr. Broccoli
  • Escape from Eden
  • We Three Queens
  • Transfusion
  • Remembering the Glade
  • We Collide
  • Call Me
  • Is Now A Good Time?
  • Pool Party
  • Dope Fiend
  • Big Expectations
  • Clause
  • Last Take (The)
  • My First Punk Gig
  • Love +
  • Scotland, Forgive Me
  • Valentine for Perfect Strangers
  • Second Thought
  • Coming Out Autistic
  • Slangbang
  • Burning World
  • Afro Drag: Past, Present, Future
  • Carpe Noctem
  • Normal
  • Queer Notepad
  • M or F
  • Love Letter to Asian Women
  • House Nobody Wanted (The)
  • Alwan
  • Beautiful Trouble
  • Barbette + Fontaine
  • Over the Hill, Not Out of Sight
  • Seeing People Like Me
  • First Christmas of Noé (The)
  • Paula Says Hi
  • Tight, Warm Hug (A)

Burning World

Country: United Kingdom, Language: English, 12 mins

  • Director: Benji Human

CGiii Comment

It's as punk as my pinkie and the music is atrocious...but, what a fabulous idea.

Thoroughly entertaining.

Trailer... here

The(ir) Blurb...

The world is on fire, why not start a band? First Timers is a DIY punk festival where beginner musicians play for the first time in front of an audience. Over the course of one night, we follow the newest punks brave enough to take the stage.