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Queer Notepad

Country: United Kingdom, Language: English, 3 mins

  • Director: Kim Angelica Head

CGiii Comment

Episode 1: Claire and Nicola
In this piece Nicola and Claire talk about their love for each other. Nicola discusses her experience growing up and how different it is for the children she is raising.

Episode 2: Maddie and Anna
In this piece Anna shares her story of the imposter syndrome she has struggled with and the self acceptance she has now found as an older queer woman. Maddie explains why she sees Anna as such an inspiration.

Anyone could have made these 'films' - no imagination, nada!

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The(ir) Blurb...

Queer Notepad is a new ongoing documentary project. It’s a celebration of queer love in all its forms in which two queer people who love each other reflect on their connection.