Find the boy
Original Title
Cherchez le Garçon- Director: Paulin·e Goasmat
- Producer: Marie Enthoven, Stephen Seznec, Elodie Vanderlinden
CGiii Comment
While Charly, a young trans man, is buried under his birth name, Tom, Louise and BB, his queer friends, decide to pay him a final tribute in his image in a place where they used to meet, Charly's childhood home. But Victor, his brother, and his wife Iris show up unexpectedly...
Tandis que Charly, jeune homme trans, est inhumé sous son prénom de naissance, Tom, Louise et BB, ses potes queer, décident de lui rendre un dernier hommage à son image dans un lieu où ils avaient l’habitude de se retrouver, la maison d’enfance de Charly. Mais Victor, son frère, a eu la même idée.
Cast & Characters
Judikaël Goater (as Louise)
Mélodie Lauret (as BB)
Sohan Pague (as Tom)
Gabrielle Pichon (as Iris)
Charlie Pietrantoni (as Charly)
Arnaud Stéphan (as Victor)