Que Se Avecina [La]
- Director: Laura Caballero
- Writer: Alberto Caballero; Daniel Deorador; Laura Caballero
- Producer: Alberto Caballero
CGiii Comment
The inhabitants of the block of relatively luxurious flats. Follow the problems faced by those living together in Spain, the Spanish property bubble, and the hardships faced by young people trying to find a place to stay in the flat.
Cast & Characters
Ricardo Arroyo as Vicente Maroto;
Pablo Chiapella as Amador Rivas;
Jose Luis Gil as Enrique Pastor;
Nacho Guerreros as Coque Calatrava;
Eva Isanta as Maite Figueroa;
Antonio Pagudo as Javi Maroto;
Jordi Sanchez as Antonio Recio;
Nathalie Sesena as Berta Escobar;
Vanessa Romero as Raquel Villanueva;
Macarena Gomez as Lola Trujillo;
Cristina Medina as Nines;
Luis Miguel Segui as Leonardo Romani;
Carlota Boza as Carlota Rivas Figueroa;
Fernando Boza as Nano Rivas Figueroa;
Rodrigo Espinar as Rodrigo Rivas Figueroa;
Antonia San Juan as Estela Reynolds;
Beatriz Carvajal as Goya Gutierrez;
Fernando Tejero as Fermin Trujillo;
Malena Alterio as Cristina Aguilera