Storme: Lady of the Jewel Box
- Director: Michelle Parkerson
CGiii Comment
Get rid of the babbling 'academic' talking-blockhead and let Storme talk...
Unfortunately, it's a deeply flawed film...no mention of Stonewall?!?
Storme was a NYC character...a much, much better film could have been made about her life...still, something is better than nothing.
And, just to remind some folks out there...Stonewall:
It was a rebellion, it was an uprising, it was a civil rights disobedience — it wasn’t no damn riot. ~ Stormé DeLarverie
No trailer...
The(ir) Blurb...
The story of Storme DeLarverie MC and male impersonator at the Jewel Box Revue, the first integrated gender impersonation show.