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End of My World (The)

Country: Poland, Language: Polish, 30 mins

Original Title

Mój koniec swiata
  • Director: Kamil Krawczycki
  • Writer: Kamil Krawczycki
  • Producer: Kamil Krawczycki

CGiii Comment

There's nothing quite like watching a miserable break-up to make you feel better!


The(ir) Blurb...

First Polish gay short drama. After a few years of their relationship, Eryk leaves Filip and disappears without a trace. Filip is unable to handle the new situation and is convincing himself that the end of the relationship is also the end of his world. He has put aside his life waiting for Eryk to contact him. Filip doesn't know yet that a new day is going to bring many reflections, changes and ground-breaking decisions. How long are we able to fight for the first love? Does the fight make sense if we feel that everything has burned out? Filip is looking for the answers to these questions while heading in the direction of the new beginning.

Eryk po kilku latach zwiazku zostawia Filipa i znika bez sladu. Filip nie moze poradzic sobie z nowa sytuacja, odklada cale zycie na bok, czekajac na jakikolwiek znak od chlopaka. Nie wie jeszcze, ze nowy dzien przyniesie wiele refleksji, zmian i przelomowych decyzji. Jak dlugo jestesmy w stanie walczyc o pierwsza milosc? Czy taka walka ma sens, kiedy czujemy, ze wszystko juz sie wypalilo? Odpowiedzi na te wlasnie pytania szuka Filip, zmierzajac w strone nowego poczatku.