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Who Is A Runner | Erin McGrady

Country: United States, Language: English, 9 mins

  • Director: Faith Briggs, Tim Kemple
  • Producer: Faith Briggs

CGiii Comment

It's a very well-photographed advertorial for their website...and, running.


Who Is A Runner | Erin McGrady from Camp4 Collective on Vimeo.

The(ir) Blurb...

It takes the first 5-6 miles for the "bird's nest" in Erin McGrady's head to unravel. And then, putting one foot in front of the other, the photographer and writer works to create and celebrate safe spaces for others in the queer community. Together, with her wife Caroline Whatley, in spite all they are up against as queer women in the South, they turn their attention toward the joy they get from traveling and creating community.