Cold Lands
Original Title
Les Terres Froides- Director: Sébastien Lifshitz
- Writer: Stéphane Bouquet; Sébastien Lifshitz
- Producer: Gilles Sandoz
CGiii Comment
Djamel is a 20 something French youth man of arab heritage looking for his father. When he finds him and comes forward as his son the man rebuffs him and to get his revenge Djamel involves his half brother. The man's closeted gay son.
Parce qu'il vient d'être renvoyé de son boulot, Djamel, a peine plus de vingt ans, a une altercation violente avec sa grand-mere. Il decide alors de quitter Paris et arribe à Grenoble, où il trouve un job de manutentionnaire. Dans l'entreprise où il travaille, Djamel éprouve une attirance étrange pour son patron, qu'il va jusqu'à espionner chez lui.
Cast & Characters
Yasmine Belmadi as Djamel;
Bernard Verley as Monsieur Chamblasse;
Valerie Donzelli as Isabelle;
Sebastien Charles as Laurent;
Florence Giorgetti as Madame Chamblasse;
Daniel Isoppo as Le Tenancier;
Aline Kenk as Fille Bagarre;
Nozha Khouadra as Bebita;
Hassan Koubba as Garcon Belleville;
Thierry Levaret as Lionel;
Sebastien Lifshitz as Garcon Patinoire;
Rachel Martin as Fille Quick;
Miguel Olivares as Garcon Belleville;
Michel Olives as Cadro Usino;
Fattouma Ousliha Bouamari as Grand-mere