Diario Rural
- Director: Laura Citarella
- Producer: Sarah Fernández Oks, Vanessa Ragone, Julieta Yadronik
CGiii Comment
Immersed in the Argentine countryside, far from the bustling city, a group of artists – a family – find themselves recording, in the form of a diary, the moments spent caring for a herd of pigs, awaiting the birth of a litter. An episode of Bitácoras – a miniseries composed of five documentaries made by as many female directors –, Diario rural is a manifesto of Laura Citarella's poetics and a report of the anomalous pandemic period. It is hard to determine where creation begins and observation ends, so much so that the word "filming" can be confused with "stealing": there are actors who, while "pretending", create a narrative hinged in reality, in contingency. A rural cinema in which the timing of the shot is not dictated by the will of a demiurge, but panders to the rhythms of the animal world; an artistic gesture that constructs an alternative present to that of confinement, filming/stealing the "vital share" to exorcise death.
There was a trailer...but, it has since disappeared.