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Fallen Fruit

Country: United States, Language: English, 87 mins

  • Director: Chris Molina
  • Writer: Chris Molina
  • Producer: Victor Acevedo, Carolina Caruso, Carlos Dominicis, Andrew Hevia, Jason Fitzroy Jeffers, Laura San Juan, Hansel Porras Garcia, David Ricardo Rodriguez, Dennis Scholl, Kareem Tabsch

CGiii Comment

Alex (Ramiro Batista), is a 20-something-year-old who begrudgingly moves back to his childhood home in Miami from New York after a breakup. Blinded by his optimism of returning to New York after the Summer, Alex underestimates the inevitable hurricane that is adulthood. As his Miami life takes its turns, Alex documents his version of rock bottom with an old camcorder found in his bedroom-turned-storage closet. Looking for an escape, he soon finds comfort in Chris (Austin Cassel), a random hook-up, who shows him what a life in Miami might have to offer. Blinded by optimism and lust, the reality of adulthood comes flooding in, forcing him to begin to grow up.


Cast & Characters

Ramiro Batista (as Alex)
Austin Cassel (as Chris)
Adrian Menendez (as Juan)
Joanne Perica (as Lisa)
Nicole Quintana (as Mom)
Ozzie Quintana (as Dad)
Matthew A. Sánchez (as Camp Kid)
Joe Tufte (as Jonathan)
Krystal Millie Valdes (as Sam)