Pretty Ones (The)
Original Title
Las Lindas- Director: Melisa Liebenthal
- Writer: Melisa Liebenthal
- Producer: Eugenia Campos Guevara
CGiii Comment
This is the kind of film that gives film festivals a bad name.
Do not be misled by the hyperbolic blurb...this is DIY film-making with neither talent, intelligence nor any discernible technical skill whatsoever.
Is she a lesbian?
Is she transitioning?
Who the hell cares...
What Melisa Liebenthal is...is an interminable, montonal bore who forgot to switch off the auto-focus! She's dull, she's dowdy and - obviously - clinically depressed...because...she's plain.
Why would anyone - in their right mind - want to pay to watch this?!?
Unduly harsh!We hear you scream! Of course it's harsh...this has been put into the public arena where the public are expected to pay...to watch this cathartic crap. Babycakes, like the vast majority of us: You are plain...get over it!
The blurb states 'with great wit' - where? When? On what planet? Not a titter from the cinema audience...there were at few grunts from the many who were trying not to fall asleep...to be fair, it was an early morning screening! Still, there were quite a few who were snoring peacefully by the end.
If you want to watch young women prattle on about horoscopes, hair-styles, make-up, making-out with each other...and, boys...well, all ye masochists, look no further.
If you want to look at Liebenthal's hairy legs and listen to her ridiculous treatise on feminine shaving...you should, like the filmmaker, seek professional help immediately.
It won best director @ Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema - GAWD, what were the rest of the films like?
It won the Bright Future Award @ Rotterdam International Film Festival - JEEZUZ - has the documentary film industry imploded?!? The future looks so, so bleak!
It's been nominated at Edinburgh and Seattle...WHAT?!?
Yes. This is the kind of film that gives film festivals a bad name. The thought of paying, wasting time, to watch this...oooh it makes you recoil!
The(ir) Blurb...
In Melisa Liebenthal’s award winning feature debut, the director reveals with great wit and honesty how she rebelled against expectations of compliant ‘femininity’ and attractiveness. Chronicling her changing circle of school friends, Liebenthal uses personal testimony and frank interviews to expose the social conditioning of young women, critiquing assumptions around gender, sexuality and self-image. The director’s inviting self-awareness and humour makes Las Lindas not just a film every teenager should see, but a vital and entertaining essay-film.
Cast & Characters
Melisa Liebenthal;
Victoria D'Amuri;
Camila Magliano;
Sofia Mele;
Josefina Roveta;
Michelle Sterzovsky