Our League
- Director: Sam Cullman
- Producer: Daniel Berger, Royd Chung, Susan Cohen, Sam Cullman, Sally Jo Fifer, Alex Jacobs, Brian C Kelly, Ian Manheimer, Jaime Manheimer, Sean Ryon, Pam Torno, Lois Vossen
CGiii Comment
As interesting as watching middle-aged men bowling!
No trailer...
The(ir) Blurb...
"A community of bowlers just outside of Cleveland cope with fundamental change when new owners take over at a landmark alley and a longtime league member comes out as a trans woman."
Cast & Characters
Kurt Breudigam (as Breudigam, Kurt)
Sy Difiore (as Difiore, Sy)
Michelle Guzowski (as Guzowski, Michelle)
Joe Pavlick (as Pavlick, Joe)