Twoyoungmen, Ut.
- Director: Sam McConnell
- Writer: Nick Citton; Sam McConnell
- Producer: Julie Christeas; Tim Duff
CGiii Comment
The writing lets this well-filmed piece of irrelevance down.
The(ir) Blurb...
Will and Eli meet by chance in a bar and head to the salt flats searching for a party. In the process, however, they take the first steps towards finding and accepting themselves.
Cast & Characters
Art Gager as Eli Dennis;
Brant Kaiwi as Porsche;
Jordan Klumper as Mark;
George Loomis;
Will Loomis as Will Oberlain;
Frank Meli as Brad;
Leslie Murphy as Margaret;
Derek Nicholas as Hick;
Dmitry Panin as Teenager;
Timmy Sasser as Jock;
Christopher Totten as Jock