Glengarry Glen Ross
- Director: James Foley
- Writer: David Mamet
- Producer: Joseph M. Caracciolo Jr.; Nava Levin
CGiii Comment
Acting heavyweights...
Mamet adapts...
It is theatrical, it is vicious, it is, without doubt, the most obnoxious depiction of Estate Agents...right on the nail.
The(ir) Blurb...
Times are tough in a Chicago real-estate office; the salesmen (Shelley Levene, Ricky Roma, Dave Moss, and George Aaronow) are given a strong incentive by Blake to succeed in a sales contest. The prizes? First prize is a Cadillac El Dorado, second prize is a set of steak knives, third prize is the sack! There is no room for losers in this dramatically masculine world; only "closers" will get the good sales leads. There is a lot of pressure to succeed, so a robbery is committed which has unforeseen consequences for all the characters.
Cast & Characters
Al Pacino as Ricky Roma;
Jack Lemmon as Shelley Levene;
Alec Baldwin as Blake;
Alan Arkin as George Aaronow;
Ed Harris as Dave Moss;
Kevin Spacey as John Williamson;
Jonathan Pryce as James Lingk;
Bruce Altman as Larry Spannel;
Jude Ciccolella as Detective;
Paul Butler as Policeman;
Lori Tan Chinn as Coat Check Girl;
Neal Jones as Man in Donut Shop;
Barry Rossen as Assistant Detective;
Leigh French as Additional Voices;
George Cheung as Additional Voices