Caged Heat
- Director: Jonathan Demme
- Writer: Jonathan Demme
- Producer: Samuel W. Gelfman; Evelyn Purcell
CGiii Comment
A girl is caught in a drug bust and sent to the hoosegow. The iron-handed superintendent takes exception to a skit performed by the girls and takes punitive steps, aided by the sadistic doctor who is doing illegal electroshock experiments and raping drugged prisoners. After a while the prisoners put away their petty differences and plan the Big Prison Escape.
Cast & Characters
Juanita Brown as Maggie;
Roberta Collins as Belle Tyson;
Erica Gavin as Jacqueline Wilson;
Ella Reid as Pandora;
Cheryl Smith as Lavelle;
Warren Miller as Dr. Randolph;
Barbara Steele as Supt. McQueen;
Crystin Sinclaire as Crazy Alice;
Mickey Fox as Bernice;
Toby Carr Rafelson as Pinter;
Ann Stockdale as Bonnie;
Irene Stokes as Hazel;
Cynthia Songe as Rosemary;
Carmen Argenziano as Undercover Wrestler;
John Aprea as Dream Man