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King Henry

Country: United Kingdom, Language: English, 13 mins

  • Director: Harry Faint
  • Writer: Harry Faint, Natalys Willcox, Natalys Willcox
  • Producer: Will Darch, Laura Giles, Jane Pugh, J.T. Waters

CGiii Comment

As a statement on the English education system, it's pretty damning...quite rightly so. Teaching and teachers need to be overhauled, unlikely to happen any time soon.

Not a bad film...with a few rough edges.

No trailer...

The(ir) Blurb...

Teachers at a Cornish secondary school are playing catch up to the 21st Century as two teens are elected prom king and king.

Cast & Characters

James A Snow (as Henry)
Billy Perry (as Adam)
Kevin Johnson (as Mr. Hunter)
Sarah Bennington (as Ms. Matthews)
Kate Edney (as Caroline)
Flora Lambert (as Katie)
Atlas Rowe (as Elliot)
Issie Victoria (as Chloe)
Nel Lambert (as Sasha)
Luke Jones (as Ewan)
Tim Seyfert (as The Photographer)
Henry Austwick (as The DJ)