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That's Why I Don't Like Strawberry Ice Cream

Country: Spain, Language: Spanish, 9 mins

Original Title

Por qué no me gusta el helado de fresa
  • Director: Inés Pintor, Pablo Santidrián
  • Writer: Inés Pintor, Pablo Santidrián
  • Producer: Inés Pintor, Pablo Santidrián

CGiii Comment

Left behind after closing at a bar counter, Álex sees his ex appear, who tries to lead him to the origin of the anger and self-inflicted contempt that led him to take refuge in work, fleeing from something he is not to blame.

Rimasto dopo la chiusura al bancone di un bar, Álex vede apparire il suo ex, che cerca di condurlo all’origine della rabbia e del disprezzo autoinflitto che lo hanno portato a rifugiarsi nel lavoro, in fuga da qualcosa di cui non ha colpa.


Por qué no me gusta el helado de fresa - Tráiler from labrevehistoria on Vimeo.

Cast & Characters

Germán Alcarazu
Éric Bech
Rubén de Eguia (as Max)
Miguel Diosdado
Zaira Gallego (as Niña)