If I’m Here It Is By Mystery
Original Title
Se Eu Tô Aqui é Por Mistério- Director: Clarissa Ribeiro
- Writer: Érica Sarmet
- Producer: Bem Medeiros, Érica Sarmet
CGiii Comment
New Rio, 2054. The renowned witch Dahlia arrives at the port with a mission: to establish the most powerful Clan that has ever existed and, thus, defeat the Order of Truth. In the future, many people are trans – but only a few are witches.
SE EU TO^ AQUI E´ POR MISTE´RIO, Clari Ribeiro [English Trailer] from Agencia Freak on Vimeo.
Cast & Characters
Zezé Motta
Bruna Linzmeyer
Helena Ignez
Aretha Sadick
Lorre Motta